
(Read my comments below):

----- Original Message -----
From: R. Tyler Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 4:48 AM
Subject: [newbie] Weird "no such file or directory" message

> This has me really frustrated.
> Say I'm in /usr/games and I type /Maelstrom from a console window. Bash
> types back at me, "No such file or directory," even though there most
> certainly is such a file, and if I ls or dir it tells me there is.


Your syntax is incorrect. When you cd /usr/games, and then type /Maelstrom,
the "/" infront of the name, is pointing to the root folder (/) of your
harddrive. Since "/usr/games" is not in your $PATH variable, you need to
tell the shell (bash), that the program Maelstrom is in the current folder
that you changed to. To do this, you have to type "./" infront of the name,

cd /usr/games


Thomas Adam

> What's going on here?
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