
I read all the stuff about the Rage problems on Mandrake, especially
the how-to @ http://www4.ncsu.edu/~distclai/rage128-howto.html and
the info on http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/hardware/hbits.html#Rage.

I still don't get my Rage Fury AGP 32mb to work with X. If I switch to
640x480 it shows a functional, but very weird looking X ("doublefeature"),
otherwise the screen goes blank, my monitor shuts down and the system
locks up.

Could someone provide me a link to some more information on this ? I
had Suse 7.0 installed previously and it just worked fine. I'd rather
use Mandrake, though ... Suse has something to say about this on
http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/en/html/behling_rage128_suse72.html, I didn't
do that on Suse 7.0 but maybe it will help figure out what the problem 
is, I'm too much of a newbie to get that working on Mandrake :(

I'm working on an Athlon System with an Asus mainboard.

Thanks a lot!


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