The reason they don't want to be split, is because then their application
branch would be forced to compete with their competitors on an even footing,
and no more bundling Microsoft versions of competitors apps in the windows
OS, since their current app people would no longer be working for the same
company that writes the windows OS....

that was the idea behind spliting up Ms..

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeanette Russo
Sent: Monday, 2 July 2001 7:19 AM
To: Rita F. Koenigs; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] curious ....

Well the breakup was supposed to be a remedy for M$ business cut throat
business practices and antitrust violations.
Looks like it is not going to happen now.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rita F. Koenigs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] curious ....

> At this time I see no objective reason for splitting up
> Microsoft ... what purpose will it serve? And why is Bill Gates
> so dead-set against it? What's the threat? Is it just a
> comfort-level thing? A nuisance change that he's concerned
> about? Or is it a huge threat to their monopoly? In fact, the
> remedy is seen as tepid by some people who are not M$ fans.
> Perhaps the latest suit is not a strong one .... are there ones
> that are? But litigation is such a slow and contentious process,
> I just think M$ is able to play that game better than anyone
> else (sounds painfully familiar).
> Has anyone really figured out a market that hasn't been tapped
> yet, within the industry, that Microsoft hasn't and will not be
> able to steal? Maybe better innovation is the answer, not
> litigation. Just wondering.
> The only real desktop option out there is the Mac .... thinking
> of kids, adults, etc .... and it seems that there needs to be
> more of an effort by others to become more user-friendly. There
> just doesn't seem to be a huge market out there for "power"
> users .... or even curious users who are willing to struggle
> through what seems like techie,
> hard-to-understand-on-a-higher-level-than "it says so in the
> manual" attempts to solve *many "wierd" techie problems. It's a
> shame about the IMAC not cutting it for people beyond the
> fanatical ... what are you basing that opinion on, besides what
> you see personally?
> I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
> highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their
> tactics.
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