Mandrake 7.2 configured my sound card correctly, though 8.0 didn't.
But it was easy enough to go into HardDrake, select my sound card,
select your sound card and click on "Run Configuration tool" and
select the correct one.

Hopefully Mandrake will fix this in the future.

Adams, Jamie writes:
 > Hello,
 > I have posted this once before, but after much searching on the net for
 > a solution, and much fiddling with my config im still having no luck.
 > My sound card, a Yamaha OPL3-SA2 inside a Toshiba Sattellite 2520CDT.
 > The soundcard was previously detected under Mandrake 7.1, but not with
 > 8.0.
 > I understand that Harddrake relies on the Detect Libraries, i have
 > considered replacing these with the earlier libraries from 7.1 but i
 > have been told that this is not recommended.
 > With the failure of Harddrake i inserted the correct module into the
 > kernel, but when i pass on the Control IO of my soundcard to the module
 > (0x370H) it complains that this IO is busy. Even so it gives me sound
 > through the CD player in KDE, but does not play wav, mp3 or anything
 > else really, including the event sounds for KDE.
 > I checked my IO configuration and it says that my card is on 371H, not
 > 370.
 > Could someone pleeeeeease help me here?? i feel i have pretty much done
 > all i can do to get this card working short of going back to 7.1, which
 > seems completly pointless.
 > Anything you can suggest would be much appreciated.
 > Mnay thanks for listning.
 > Yours in hope.
 > Cheers
 > -- Jamie
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