I'm running a Gig of Ram in my "Play-Station", and the only advantage is that 
OpenOffice opens right smartly! Other than that, everything runs normally.


On July  9, 2001 09:03 am, you wrote:
> On Sunday 08 July 2001 10:54 pm, Anguo wrote:
> > I just bought a new box and insisted on having 256Mb RAM (against the
> > advice of a friend who said 128Mb would be enough).
> > After installing LM8.0, I noticed that most of the 256Mb were used,
> > confirming that I made the right choice, but I also wondered why
> > Linux would precisely use the amount of RAM I had.
>     256 is plenty, and was a good choice considering how cheap ram is.
> Linux is only 'using' most all your ram in the sense that it allocates
> it to cache and buffer.  It's still free for use tho.
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers
> Mem:        255752     252508       3244          0      21460
> cached 124616
> -/+ buffers/cache:     106432     149320
> Swap:       401552        140     401412
>     In the ex. above, if you just look at the first line, it appears
> that all of 256mb but 3 is being used.  It is, but not really, it's
> still ready for use by procceses and apps. -/+ buffers/cache: shows
> that 106mb is in use, 149 are free'n ready.
> > I was thinking to wait that memory comes cheaper to add two 512Mb
> > bars to have a total of 1300Mb RAM. Would that make the system       
> > faster, or would that only be a waste of money?
>      You don't need more'n the 256 you've got.  If you go over 1gig,
> you'll need a different kernel.

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