On Thursday 12 July 2001 08:14 am, you wrote:
> On July 12, 2001 04:22 am, you wrote:
> > This time I was trying to put Mandrake 8.0 on my son's computer.  
> Hey SusieQ :-)
> If memory servers me right you have a few systems in your household right?
> If so here is an option for you ...
> Remove the 10GB drive, and install it as a slave in one of your other
> systems.  
> Regards,
> SpeedMan

Hey Speedy,
I have been thinking of your suggestion.  (It's funny how I can see solutions 
to others' problems sometimes, but if it's my problem my mind goes blank. 
'Can't see the forest for the trees' as an old friend used to say.) If I use 
ms backup, it will compress it making 4 gig of stuff to about 1.2 gig backup. 
(I used to backup my 4 - 6 gigs of windows stuff and that's about how big it 
was after).  I'm fairly sure there's enough room on hda for the backup of 
hdb.  So I could probably just do it from it's present location, you think?

Thanks for the help,

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