W2K first, but to make life easier, format the drive as FAT32, not NTFS.  The
mandrake installer will make it simple to dual boot.  don't try the MS dual boot
with Mandrake, as far as I can see, it's not even an option.
Quoting "idea.list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Can anyone help please?
> I installed mandrake on an old 32mByte machine with two hd's. I have win98
> on first (8gig)hd and put linux on second (4gig)hd.  Linux did not work so
> am going to reinstall it on my main 512mByte, 17gig machine.  I Intend to
> partition the 17gig and dual boot with win2000pro/linux.
> On the old machine, I have tried to reclaim the 4gig harddrive and give it
> back to win98.  Have deleted & formatted the hd but did not know how to
> immobilize the dual boot process - I thought I would deal with that later.
> That time has now arrived :-) When I now boot the machine the dual boot
> menu
> does not appear and it simply boots to display "grub>" as the prompt.
> Please bear in mind that I am completely stupid where linux is concerned
> and
> not much better at windows (although I did my stint with assembler, c and
> basic in the 8080 days - had to put that in :-) - don't like to appear too
> stupid )
> My questions:
> On the old machine, how do I immobilize the dual boot process, get rid of
> the "grub>" prompt, and simply boot straight into windows?
> On my new machine: will an 8gig partition be large enough for mandrake 8
> and
> do I install mandrake first and win2000 second (win2000 sets up multi boot
> with w98 fine but will it recognise or 'see' linux) or, do I wait until I
> learn how to set up multi boot from within linux?  Obviously I would prefer
> that win2000 does it for me so that I can then get into linux quickly and
> start to learn all these clever linux things :) It's a chicken and egg
> situation if win2000 won't 'do the dual bit' for me.
> Help appreciated
> Sorry if the above is a bit garbled.
> Dave S.
> idea.list

Ignorance is underrated 

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