tazmun wrote:
> > I was able to change permissions for judy (user) with LinuxConf. I gave
> > myself all the permissions I could. I still get annoying messages when I
> > try to do things logged in as judy. Doing su at a console doesn't help
> > alot because unless I know the command that brings up a graphical
> > screen, I'm lost. But I'm plugging away.
> I may misuse the proper words here getting confused between linux and
> windows but I have been looking in the menu on kde.....finding the target
> file...and thus I have the file name which is the command line.  Linux
> doesn't seem to require the entire path of the file either which greatly
> surprised me.  So to run kpackage I simply type "kpackage" after logging
> onto console as "su".

We all misuse words at times, and I'm pretty much a newbie to.  Just
FYI, su stands for "switch user".  By default you switch to root, but
you can type "su tazmun" to switch to user tazmun.  So, I guess I'm
saying "logging on" as su is not standard usage.  YMMV.

Also, you're right, Linux doesn't need a fully qualified filename for an
executable if it's on the path.  I should explain more about path, but
you understand the general idea from your Windows days.  For the
specific differences, I'm learning those to.  (The first one being that
the pwd is not on the path, which is why you must use ./filename for an
executable in the pwd (unless the pwd also happens to be on the path). 
It seems like I should say something profound now about being on the
path.  I'll have to think about it. ;-)

Hope this helps a little,
Randy Kramer

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