On Tuesday 17 July 2001 07:43 pm, Randy Kramer wrote:
> Romanator wrote:
> > MACK DROFWARC wrote:
> > > I am running an 808 meg hdd (ouch!), a 32 meg RAM ,44X CD-rom (ATAPI?
> > > ithink) and a 188 Pentium MMX.
> >
> > Either way, you are going will have to connect an external CD ROM to
> > your computer. Without it the installation will not continue.
> > If this is imposssible, try downloading the entire Mandrake ISO image
> > file from an ftp site and run it from your hard drive.
> I think we misunderstand the problem.
> He has a CD Rom (listed and based on his reference to MSCDEX) -- I'm not
> sure it's external, but neither do I see what difference that would
> make.
> Randy Kramer

Maybe some one else wants to a stab at it?

Registered Linux User #179293
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    but the start of a new journey"

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