
My install did not place my three Win partitions on the KDE 
desktop.  Neither did it place the two CDROMs there.  Although I have two 
floppies, the install placed only one non-specific floppy on the desktop 
and made it inaccessible to me as a user.

Using the info you provided below, i placed my Win partitions on the desktop.

Now how do I place the two CDROMs and both floppies on the desktop so that 
they are accessible to me as a user.

Another question - how can i tell how much free space is available in each 
of my partitions?

I know these are simple issues but i am still having problems grappling 
with the Linux paradigm.



At 01:00 PM 7/18/01, civileme wrote:
>Either you haves a very corrupt install insofar as KDE is concerned or you
>are just unfamiliar with the desktop.
>There should be icons on the K desktop which say mnt win_c or similar.
>Clicking on those brings up Konqueror in filemanager mode and you can click
>and drag between systems

>If you do NOT have the winfolders on your K desktop then right-click on any
>vacant area of the screen and select create new and enter a URL of the form
>file:/mnt/win_c  then right click on the icon made and browse the icons for a
>hard disk icon.

Betti Ann & Preston Smith
Head of St Margaret's Bay, NS
MGB & RV Owners

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