Hi Sridhar,
Thanks again for your help!
 But what I'm trying to do is avoid the command-line wherever 
possible and use the long-awaited friendly gui. 
Especially as I will have to teach it to a lot of utter computer 
novices in the not distant future.  
I personally already have enough troubles with the Unix-zone and I've 
been playing with PC's since before most of our readers were born! 
My first uni assignment was counting out an allocation of Punch Cards 
to run/debug a fortran compilation.  ( We were only allowed a certain 
number of cards!!)

> > It does show up as installed, it just doesn't start.
> > It did not add itself to the Desktop Menu.
> This is normal. Only Mandrake apps will add themselves to the menu,
> since Mandrake uses its own menu system.
> > I am attempting to start it from the Konq File Manager Directory.
> As I said before, go to a console and type "hpbuilder". You can
> make an icon to do this if you want.

> This isn't Windows (thank god!) -- things work differently here.
> RPM packaging takes care of installing and uninstalling, so a user
> doesn't normally have to look in the programme directories. The RPM
> would've installed an executable somewhere in your PATH. All you
> have to do is type the executable name from a command line -- in
> this case "hpbuilder".

> I don't have a Lexmark printer, but I would say that you need to
> configure your printer with CUPS afterwards. Try pointing your web
> browser to http://localhost:631/ to configure your printer.
> > APPARENTLY RPM also will not install over an existing program.
> > Worse, it  won't tell you that it is not listing under
> > "installable" because of this. It simply doesn't show up under
> > Pack Mgr search.
> You need to 'upgrade' not 'install', if an older package exists.

> You shouldn't need to look for anything. You should just be able to
> type the programme executable's name (often this is just the name
> of the app) at a command line. Look at its documentation (often in
> /usr/doc/appname, /usr/local/doc/appname or /usr/lib/doc/appname)
> for details.
> > On this mornings bootup, I suffered the same problem again with
> > SCREEM. I downloaded the fixes as advised, reinstalled SCREEM and
> > it seemed to work ok, yesterday.
> > This AM it froze on startup ( why it was starting up resident I
> > do not know)  and would not be killed - leaving the same white
> > block in centre screen left over from its "splash" . To remove it
> > I had to delete SCREEM again.
> You can kill (stronger than a normal close) the app. Load up xkill
> and click on the app you want to kill. Or you can issue a "killall
> <processname>" from the command line.
> > Cheers,
> >
> > John
> >
> > Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
> > (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

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