Yeah, here's an url to a little script that I just love.  It checks to make 
sure the nvidia drivers are loaded, and that you have edited your xf86config 
file properly, but most importantly (and conveniently) checks for conflicting 
mesa files.
Download and run and just rm -f <all the files it finds>

On Thursday 19 July 2001 07:03 am, you wrote:
> Partial success, partial failure:

> So NOW when I launch tuxracer (just for instance--this actually happens
> with ALL full-screen gl apps), the screen blanks, I hear the monitor tick
> to a different frequency, my speakers play the first note of the music, and
> then nothing; I hang with a black screen.

> The fine manual claims that such errors are caused by old or conflicting
> versions of GL libs laying around. I guess I have no reason to doubt that,
> but visual examination of the files (Appendix C of the fine manual) seems
> to indicate they're all of the nVidia variety.
> Surely somebody's come up against this before. Any hints at which of the
> libs is likely to be the one? Or should I rpm -U NVIDIA_GLX, then refresh
> Mesa, then manually delete all the conflicting components, and reinstall
> NVIDIA_GLX? Any other thoughts or opinions?

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