I initially bought the Logitech Pro, which has a high resolution and a
CCD.  It porbably gives great photos, but the guys at Logitech don't
want me as a customer, so I returned it (Logitech doesn't publish any
specs for their products so there are no Linux drivers).  Instead, I
got the D-Link DSB-C100, for about $40.  This is much cheaper than the
Logitech, but I'm sur the Logitech is a better value.  The camera was
very easy to set up under Linux/Mandrake 8.0.  Basically just tdo the
correct usb modprobes, install motion, and plug it in, and everything
works.  Amazing.  Motion is a great program, too.  It really is
effective at picking up motion, highlighting it, saving to disk, and
not picking up ambient light changes.  So that's all the good news.

The bad news is that the image quality for this camera is aweful.
Truly aweful.  The colors look like bad special effects from the early
days of sci fi.  The resolution is poor, and images are fuzzy.  I
would rather spend the extra money to get something better.  Any

On the whole, it is not worth the $40 they are charging for it,
because the image quality is so poor (just barely acceptable for
security use maybe).

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