This sounds like a lie, but it really is not.  I expressed my sadness about the
fact that I filtered some of you intelligent linuxers out of my e-mail.  Then, I
posted a few questions and have yet to receive a response.  I am sure somebody
did, but Ifiltered them out.  For this reason, I have been trying to de-filter
my mail,but I have no control over the mail server because I am part of an
educational institution.  Their server is not allowing this at this time.  

So, please, I would really appreciate a response from somebody who did not
respond before.  My CDRom and my floppy drive keeps getting locked.  I manage to
unlock them by different maneuverings of fstab or mounting and unmounting, but
it gets to be a pain and I would really like to know why this occurs and how I
can fix it more easily.  I would appreciate any response.


Ignorance is underrated

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