Hi all

I've been actually dual booting one of my systems with win 2000 NTFS file
system for some time now with MD 8.0 with no problems.  All seemed to work
flawlessly and was set up on original install no muss no fuss.  However at
this point I'm also trying on another system to get Red Hat 7.1 going.  This
box also has win 2000 on it with NTFS file system.  So far I've not figured
out how to get the RedHat booted with out using the boot up disk I made.
The way the Red Hat is installed is similiar to the mandrake with the Root
filesystem being on hdb5....hdb1 is win NTFS as well as hda is all NTFS.  Is
the lilo used in mandrake totally different or is it the Aurora giving me
the dual boot screen at start up.  I get a dark bluish screen(I'm somewhat
color blind so don't quote me on this could be purple too) offering me NT,
Linux, Floppy.  I can edit the properties of this screen in the GUI config
offered in Mandrake as well.  The Mandrake distro claims that this
particular version of Aurora is made especially for them in RPM information
but that downloads for other distros are available as well on their site.
Any idea where that site would be.  In searchs thus far no luck.
www.aurora.com seems to be a company of some sort not related to the aurora
I speak of here.  Even if I find this site is it likely it will solve my

I realize this is a bit off topic being it is redhat oriented, but this list
seems more informative then the redhat install list.  Ya gotta give Mandrake
a high 5 on this issue since they seem to have left redhat in the dust on
dual booting.  Any suggestions here other then just run mandrake would be
greatly appreciated... :-)



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