I've been - unsuccessfully - trying to install gphoto2 on my Linux box
(Intel-based running Mandrake 8.0 download version) for use with a Kodak
DC3200 digital camera. I downloaded 'gphoto-2.0beta1.tar.gz' from the
gphoto.org site, however, installation fails at the 'make install'
stage. I'd appreciate feedback from anyone that has successfully
installed it, specifically, if any libraries/dependencies had to be
added. From scanning the install echo, the only error message I can see
indicates that 'zlib.h' couldn't be found -- I located this file in the
libraries of other programs but don't know if it's really needed, and if
it is, where it should go.

The installation 'instructions' on the gphoto site make it seem that
installation should be a snap, but some of the commands they list (eg,
'autogen') are duds in my distro. (After unpacking, I've been trying
'./configure,'  './build.sh,' and 'make install.' ). By the way, their
site also mentions that Kamera is shipped with KDE2. I can't find it

Thanks in advance for any help.

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