Where can I find info/documentation about the services LM installs? I
mean, other than the man pages and reading the scripts. I'd like to find out
more about how they are configured.

    This is partly because the ALSA "service" isn't working properly in my
sys. It failed to install the drivers at install time (though Mandrake
installed a valid driver  for my onboard sound, it turned out to be
incompatible with some apps) and even after I configured it by hand -through
editing /etc/modules.conf - it wouldn't start at boottime. Not properly at
least, it only loads OSS modules. I ended up putting a modprobe in rc.local
to load the ALSA driver - is that the right place to? - but I'd like to know
why exactly the Mandrake script isn't working and fix it if possible.
Besides I want to learn about the other services as well.

All help will be appreciated. :^)
 --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
 Linux registered user #221896
 Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist if computers
weren't invented in the first place.

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