Are you using Linux-Mandrake 8.0? If so your firewall is probably preventing 
the ping from happeneing. Bastille automatically does not trust ANY incoming 
TCP/IP packets coming in on ANY network card in the Linux box (Localhost), 
therefore it thinks that AJ is a hacker trying to break in to Localhost. You 
may have to manually edit the config file. If you installed Bastille, it's 
running by the time your desktop comes up.

As root, open kwrite, and open /etc/Bastille/Bastille-Firewall.cfg . read 
through it as you edit. All will be understood. Pay attention to the line 
that says "TRUSTED_IFACES" . It probably states the "lo" is the only trusted 
interface (IFACES are actually the network card(s) in your Linux box).Then 
either restart bastille , "/sbin/bastille-firewall start", (don't use the  
quotation marks) or reboot. Then restart samba, and make sure that you have 
set up your users "smbadduser AJ:AJ" for example, where "AJ is the exact 
spelling (Upper or Lower case) of the username used on the windows box.. You 
should be in good shape after that. 

Dan LaBine

On July 29, 2001 09:41 pm, you wrote:
> I have two computers connected via a hub. Localhost (linux) is the Samba
> server and also a client, AJ is an windows box client.
> Currently, AJ can connect to the internet through localhost using
> localhost firewall also, AJ can ping but can not ping the
> localhost
> Localhost can ping both the name AJ and the address 192,168.0.2
> In network neighborhood on AJ, AJ shows up but not localhost, all are set
> up on localgroup. I know, real original on the names ha.
> So, does anyone know what I may have set up incorrectly to prevent AJ from
> pinging the localhost address? Samba is so close to being configured I can
> taste it.  TIA for any assistance.

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