On Saturday 04 August 2001 09:15 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Aug 2001 23:27, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> > On Saturday 04 August 2001 12:29 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> > > Having one partition is like putting all your eggs in one basket.
> > > If / fails, then you lose all your user /home data as well. Also,
> > > a multiple partition setup can speed up disc accesses,
> > > particularly on larger drives such as yours.
> >
> >     I believe this is the key.  On 8gig and smaller drives I've
> > always installed Linux in one big / partition.  Now that I've got
> > 37 gigs for Linux, I use / and /home plus another 2 storage
> > partitions.
> >
> >    The advantage to using one big / on smaller drives is that you
> > only havt'a worry about total space remaining, rather than not
> > having enough in /, /home, and others.  Specially if you have room
> > (eg, on a Windoze drive) to bakup /home to.
> Very true. My total GNU/Linux space is just under 10GB, so I would be
> really pressed for space if I had more than one partition. If I had
> more space, I would've made two or three partitions.
> I'm curious: might LVM be an option for a multiple partition setup?

 Geez, I hope you're askin the group, 'cause I'm clueless about LVM ;)
For those interested, Google 'lvm' (large volume manager).  one link
  http://www.sistina.com/lvm/  There's also been discussion about it 
recently on the cooker mailing list (see the archive).

> Note that I am not proposing a RAID here -- just something simple and
> effective for a desktop system (not a server) with one or two IDE
> hard drives.

  Good ;) I'm a firm believer that RAID, an such is best left to 
hardware SCSI on real server hardware.  Maybe I'm out'a date, but for 
micro computers (desktops), even used as servers, good ol' tried an' 
true ata/33 IDE, no fancy controllers is still the best. All the other 
kludges draw my biased skepticism, specially the latest win-RAID fad 
many desktop motherboards now sport, but offer no real world 
performance enhancement ... just more problems  .... often fatal.

> > > On Sat, 4 Aug 2001 12:46, Randy Kramer wrote:
> > > > Why would you put the /usr and /home each on a different
> > > > partition and not = with the same /(root) partition?
> > > > And by the way, I am getting a 20GD HD...=20

    All that said, I've got a brand new / and /home, each at 4.8 gigs.
My / partition is filling alarmingly fast, but has managed to steady at 
75%.  I use to like an app named 'kdf', 'Kdiskfree', and also known as 
'KwikDisk', but I can't get it to compile (tar.gz) or --rebuild 
(src.rpm) on LM 8 Freq :(  Made discovering large disk space offenders 
graphically easy. 
Tom Brinkman                       Galveston Bay

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