It was Sun, 05 Aug 2001 21:57:12 -0700 when AOL Systems wrote:

>i know that ttyS0 and ttyS1 is for communications port but what is the
>meaning of tty

tty is the filename of a device connected to an input resource.

>second i just want to know what do you call USB connection to PC
>tty - what? is ttyC0 is correct or wrong?

Dunno, don't have USB stuff

>Third is what  if i have a second cdrom or i have cdwriter in my pc how
>will i mount it cause i only know to mount a single cdrom what if i have
>two cdrom
>mount /mnt/cdrom - this is correct but if i have two or more

First make a new mountpoint, e.g. mkdir /mnt/cdrom2
Then mount /dev/hd? /mnt/cdrom2 where the ? stands for the disk-device of the
second CDrom.


"The biggest mistake is believing that there is one right way 
to listen, to talk, to have a conversation - or a 
-Deborah Tannen - Registered Linux User 174403
         Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
    ** - when you care **

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