Try drakesync if you'd like.  IT will use SSL to do so, or SSH, I can't
remember which.

You can also use scp.

scp FILE.NAME $[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/path/for/file

Do a which for scp to make sure it's installed and then check the man
page for more information.  

T. Holmes
"Real Men Use Vi!"

    2:55pm  up 4 days,  1:50,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

| I have two laptops on the same network running Mandrake 8.  Samba is 
| installed and running on both.  It is not clear to me how best to 
| copy files from one to the other for backup and synchronization 
| purposes.  Can someone recommend the best method?
| Andy

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