> however, heavily biased towards mandrake since I tried Red Hat 7 first, on
> which I could get not a damn thing (zip, printer, mounting other
> to work, even when following the instructions in the official book.  Or
> fact that half the power tools won't run under 7 (i've heard this is a
> problem with a broken glibc).  I know that it's fixable, but is that my
I'm running Redhat 7.1 and everything was detected and installed with out
problems on my box.  But I've heard a lot of complaints about RedHat 7.0
were solved with the  7.1 as is common in X.0 editions as compared to later
revised versions of the main version number.

> but every mandrake install i do, everything is detected and effortless.
> not to mention that I've found their tech support to be impatient with
> non-enormus-corporate-server problems.  just my exp.
I've recently contacted RedHat support with my simple problems on 2
different issues and got responce via the web in less then one business day.
As far as support issues are concerned C-Nets reviews favor Redhat over
Mandrake, but again I can't compare Mandrake support because this list is
the only form I qualify for since I've not actually bought mandrake since
7.1.  However this list can't be beat in my opinion either.  Right now I
think it's a horse apiece.  I'm wondering about the kernel performance
issues since my boxes are considered i686's though with PIII 800+ speed.
That performance wise I need to compare somemore.  However it is not
immediately obvious to me at this point.  I almost thought Redhat loaded the
StarOffice 5.2 faster though.

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