I would suggest you get a Windows98 boot disc with fdisk and delpart....

First you boot form floppy, then you make delpart to loose everything on
your hard drive, you use fdisk to create new partitions.... you reboot your
machine with your floppy inside... then you format your hard drives format
c:/s.... and you should be able to install Winblows...

Once I had other problem.... I could not do anything with the hard drive (I
was even not able to boot from floppy...)... so the only way to get hdd
again working was make a "clone". I asked a friend of mine to make a "clone"
of WindowsNT using Northon Goust... and then I could insall winblows without
any problem...

If this doesn't work... I think you need to change your hard drive....

X - A - W - K

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Linux-Newbie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 1:16 AM
Subject: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when it comes to harddrives, but
it seems that every time I install any flavor of *nix on a drive that was
formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall windows on the drive
again without it not working or being awfully unstable. I'm not sure why
this happens, it's a pity my 20gb drive no longer wants to work. I even went
as far as to go back in the installer on Redhat, get in the fdisk, and
create a new empty dos partition table, saved it, then rebooted, fdisk'd off
a boot floppy, created a primary partition, rebooted, formatted it, then
tried the installer. It didn't make it past the system checker thing at the
beginning of the installer, gave some weird errors about the drive. Anyway,
anyone else having this problem?


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