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interesting.  note the sixth paragraph.  it would be nice if they mentioned 
linux a little sooner.

- ----------  Look what the cat dragged in:  ----------
Subject: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 22:04:10 +1000
From: "Pc's for Kids Inc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Charlie Oriez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Australian charity Pc's for Kids, which is the focus of International
awareness was forced to suspend operations because of actions by Microsoft
Legal department, has started building the first of many computers destined
for underprivileged kids.

Mr. Bayes issued a statement saying; "Our kids need us, the International
public and Australians vowed us to continue our work assisting Children
Bridge the Digital Divide. Our members voted to take a stand for the
advancement of kids  and not let this issue with Microsoft dampen many a
child's dream of obtaining their own computer.

Microsoft and Pc's for Kids become the focus of worldwide attention when the
Software giant told the charity not to use its software unless it is legal.
The standoff lasting well over a month has raised many questions of the
philanthropic efforts of Microsoft's Co-Founder Mr. William Gates and
Microsoft intentions of not granting a simple "Refurbishment License" to the

"Lets face it Microsoft, if you do not support the old redundant software of
Dos 6.22 and Win 3.11 together with Windows 95 then why not make it "Public
Domain" so the older computer equipment can be used. You state that kids
need the latest technology but what happens to the tons of waste "IT"
equipment - send it to landfill" Mr. Bayes said.

Pc's for Kids Inc, which is based in Geelong Victoria Australia will ship
the first of 50 refurbished machines to children next week, thanks to the
generosity of the IT public who have scrounged around to locate their old
Win 95 certificates. "We will give each system Windows 95 and load a full
version of Sun Micro-Systems "Star Office" which was donated by Sun to pass
onto our less fortunate children" Bayes stated.

Mr. Bayes also is pleased at the support offered by the Linux community, "We
have just completed training with Linux in Melbourne and are looking at
offering children the choice of both. The learning of Linux will take some
time to perfect so in the meantime we will keep sending out systems with
donated Windows, Apple has issued a letter supporting our efforts and fully
agree that children need assistance with any means of computer technology,
we will be sending to Tonga another 20 refurbished Apple units early next

Mr. Bayes is now appealing to the public and IT sector to keep the dream
alive by locating the old software so this charity can continue it works.
"We need over 1,000 copies for the next 12-months so please dig deep and
help us place a smile on a child's face - Remember your old systems and
software will assist our disadvantaged kids all over the world" Mr. Bayes

Visit Pc's for Kid's www.pcsforkids.org and post an email with your pledge.

Press Release Issued By:
Colin Bayes President / Founder (0402) 149719 (24-Hours Contact)

Pc's for Kids Inc Ph: 61 (3) 52444146 Fax: 61 (3) 52436026
http://www.pcsforkids.org       Wednesday, August 08, 2001

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"Oh come now.  At least pretend to be scared.  The media spent millions 
trying to psyche you up for this" - User Friendly, 08/01/01 on the Code Red 
virus scare

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