On Sunday 12 August 2001 09:58 am, you wrote:
> s wrote:
> > On Saturday 11 August 2001 10:46 am, you wrote:
> > > PSS Anyone -ever- got Kwintv to compile and work under 8.0?
> >
> > Nope and I tried.  I even had trouble trying to install the dependencies.
> >  I think the biggest insurmountable obstacle was with the version of qt
> > it requires conflicting with the one mandrake currently uses.  I know I
> > had qt1 and 2 installed on 7.2, but it's a no go for me with 8.0.
> >
> > So anyway, xawtv works.  If you work out this qt thing, come back and
> > share.
> >
> > -s
> One guys says he has Kwintv 8.5 working, I dunno. Version I had just would
> not compile (errored out). Maybe he can tell us something. (Chuck was his
> name, his post is in the list).
> Xawtv still continues to lock everything up here after about a minute.
> ;-(

Hey, your right.  the 8.5 for redhat installed and is searching for stations 
right now.  I guess I had tried mandrake's old one (8.0) and the source from 
their home page previously.  The the regular i386 rpm for redhat at  
installed with no problems.  Give it a try.  It has some neato 
features/buttons that xawtv don't have.

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