On Tuesday 14 August 2001 12:43 am, Velanche Stewart wrote:
> Well, it almost worked. :-)
> Linux was able to find the second VFAT drive after
> following your instructions, so I thank you for that.
> However, Windows did not find the drive after I
> rebooted there. When I did fdisk in Linux, it said
> that the drive was a hidden Windows 95 VFAT drive. I
> toggled to its non-hidden format, but Windows still
> could not find the drive when I rebooted. Further,
> Window's fdisk registered the partition as a non-DOS
> drive.

      Windoze comes in lot's of slightly different versions.  Some can 
even see a ReiserFS partition, some can't find their way out of a paper 
bag.  I suspect you'll need to boot your Windoze floppy and reformat 
that 2nd Windoze partition with DOS fdisk.  I just recently had a 
similar experience with my brother's W95 system.  It couldn't see a DOS 
partition I created with DiskDrake, but it could find it after I 
reformated it using DOS tools.

    If all you do is reformat that partition, Linux will still be able 
to see it. Also, you could try reformatting it with DiskDrake, but 
choose another DOS type, there's several.  
Tom Brinkman                       Galveston Bay

> --- Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sunday 12 August 2001 10:53 pm, Velanche Stewart
> >
> > wrote:
> > > The only thing that I would like to know is this:
> >
> > I've
> >
> > > created two Windows partitions. One holds the OS
> >
> > to
> >
> > > boot from, the other is the d:drive to hold data
> > > files.
> >
> >    Same thing I just did.  You need to edit
> > /etc/fstab and add the
> > second Winblows partition.  As an example here's my
> > Winblows lines
> >
> > /dev/hda1 /c vfat
> > user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0
> > 0
> > /dev/hda5 /d vfat
> > user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0
> > 0
> >
> >    To make things simple, I just brought up fstab in
> > Kwrite (as root),
> > copied my hda1 line, pasted it back in on another
> > empty line, then
> > edited the dev (/dev/hda5) and the mount point (/d)
> > keeping the same
> > options that my C:\ drive (hda1) has.  Running
> > 'mount -a' or rebooting
> > will then make your D:\ drive visible in Linux.  You
> > can see by my
> > fstab that I move Windoze drives out of /mnt, and
> > mount them under /c
> > and /d.  Wherever you mount them, make sure you've
> > created a mount
> > point for them (ie, created the new mount point
> > directory) before
> > editing fstab and remounting or rebooting.
> >
> >  Another hint:  if you edit /etc/updatedb.conf  and
> > remove  vfat,  from
> >
> > # Which filesystems do we exclude from search?
> PRUNEFS="nfs,smbfs,ncpfs,proc,devpts,supermount,iso9660,udf,usbdevfs,
> > then 'updatedb' and 'locate' will also keep tract of
> > and find files on
> > your Winblows drives for ya.

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