By default, it will deny all connections except those user / password
combinations that are either in the group groupname (from any domain), or
are listed in the require user line -- user1, user2, and user3 from any

This .htaccess example does work, as I am using one almost identical to the
one below right now on an apache virtual host to protect a "work in
progress" from being accessed by the public at large.

The closest analogy would be the difference between a mostly open and a
mostly closed firewall.  In a mostly open firewall, you basically allow
connections on any protocol unless you specifically deny it.  In contrast,
a mostly closed firewall denies connections unless you specifically allow
it.  This .htaccess would be roughly equivalent to a mostly closed firewall.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:52 PM 08/29/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>On Tuesday, Aug 28, 2001, Michael D. Viron wrote:
>> Here's a working .htaccess file
>> deny from all
>> AuthName YourNameHere
>> AuthType Basic
>> AuthUserFile /path/to/userfile.txt
>> AuthGroupFile /path/to/groupfile.txt
>> require group groupname
>> require user user1 user2 user3
>> satisfy any
>Kind of new to .htaccess too, but wouldn't that 'deny from all' deny
>connections from anywhere?  There is no 'allow from mydomain' lines or
>anything... or 'order deny,allow' or anything similar either.
>Paul Cox <paul at coxcentral dot com>
>Kernel: 2.4.7-12.3mdk  -  Uptime: 8 days 20 hours 34 minutes.
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