howdy.  got a bit of a problem, hope someone can help me out.
i'm using 7.2, the install was getting a bit large as i keep experimenting 
and breaking things, so i decided to reinstall.

i formated / and did a fresh install.  changed to ReiserFS for / -- i am 
currently using Reiser for all my other partitions and wanted to get that in 
line.  all is good, reboot.  go into windows to make sure it is still ok, 
that boots fine.  boot into linux and go to installing other things.  make 
some messes as i can't get Eterm to install.  reboot a few times, all is good.

then, i reboot, i get
stage 1
then nothing.  ok, i'm checking the grub documentation on my other computer.  
it list error messages, but i'm not getting any, just "stage 1" and freeze.  
so i try to boot from my boot disk i had just made in the install.  well, it 
doesn't work.

me not happy.  *sigh*  me figures me messed something up, so me does total 
install all over again, formated / again.  this time try to boot after 
install.  same thing.  "stage 1"  freeze.  however, the boot disk i made this 
time does work, and i made a few more, so i can get to the system.  it works 
fine,  i am burning a CD even now.

i was using 7.2 and GRUB on this same box before -- only differences:
1.  / was ext2 not reiser (but the reiser booted fine at first, could that be 
the problem?)
2.  my ide cdrom, hdc, seems to be dead.  i booted from it for the first 
install, but then it "died" and i had to boot from a floppy and use the scsi 
cd burner to do my install.
i don't know if either of those would have anything to do with the problem, 
but otherwise my system is exactly the same.....

thanks to all

ps -- yes it is 0453 local time.  i have been working on this since 1800.  
time for bed.

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