Sorry but your modem is a winmodem.  It is controllerless modem.  First Clue
is the words HCF.  I would check on to see if there is support
for it.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Admin
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 11:25 PM
Subject: [newbie] Newbie having problems with modem...


Let me introduce myself.  My name is Dexter, and just today I installed
linux on a partitioned hdd and I am looking forward to spending some good
quality time with this group list.  I own a Dell 4100 series pc, running on
an 800mhz PIII, with about 380 megs of ram, 40 gig hdd, a linksys nic, a
scanner, two printers, a power backup system, and a Conexant/Rockwell modem.
The modem is not a winmodem.  Ok, now for some background as to what

I am pretty new at unix/linux.  One big reason I decided to install linux
was to learn more about the o/s.  I have had shell accounts in the past, but
have never been involved in any heavy duty unix/linux stuff.  So basically,
I can move files around, I am pretty good at deleting files, and have very
very little experience tarring/untarring and setting up kernels and what
not.  In any case, I went ahead and installed the system.  It all seemed to
go well.  I had to play around a bit before it recognized both my printers,
but it was not a big deal and I have yet to try and get the network up and
running (I will tackle the network later).  But I am having a problem
getting the o/s and the modem to coexist.

I went through the internet connection wizard and placed all the proper
information (or so I think, everything is subject to change without notice),
but when I try to connect all I get is a message stating:  Modem is Busy.
Well, far as I know, the modem is not busy and it works fine in windoze.  I
tried using all the different com ports, including the "something"/modem
allocation (it is configured for com2 in win98), with no luck.  Under
properties, the modem is described as a HFCModem MDP3900V-U PCI Enumerator
modem (don't know what it all means, but there it is anyway).  I tried
running minicom (as suggested by a person in #mandrake in irc), but I
basically had the same result.  I tried removing the nic, thinking maybe
there is a conflict going on between the two (the wizard at first thinks I
am accessing the net via the network), but again no luck.  I went to the
conexant web site, but they don't have any linux drivers available for their
modems.  I visited the #mandrake channel in IRC and one of their helpers
suggested running "ppp-on", but the copy I obtained is in the tar format,
and I don't feel confident about messing with it at this point in time.  I
also sent a message to the support group at Mandrake, but I suspect it might
be a couple of days before I hear from them.  So, I am hoping somebody in
this group list can help me out.

I have a few theories running in my head, actually more like intuitions.
One theory would be that Mandrake cannot support the conexant/rockwell
modem.  It would surprise me, considering they are one of the major
manufacturers of modems around.  If indeed conexant is not supported, can
somebody send me the brandname and model number of a modem supported by

Another possibility might be a bad switch setting.  If interested, I could
copy the settings for all the parameters, but I rather wait and do it only
if necessary.  Taking up enough bandwidth as it is.  My modem strings seem
ok, but it has been a while since I played with such things, so an erroneous
setting is a possibility.

Of course the best scenario would be somebody somewhere who has had the same
experience I am, and having a fix for it.  So if you know the answer, don't
be shy.  ;)

Also, and depending on how comfortable people might feel about it, I could
call you and try to trouble shoot it over the phone.  I live in the United
States, and would like to keep the call within the lower 48 if possible. :)
I can also be found in IRC, specifically in the Efnet network in the channel
#shelter under the nickname of Coqui.  I normally have a client there 24/7.
I have most everything else up and running and I want to get the modem up
and going, to see what it can do.

In any case, any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in


AKA  Coqui-

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