james Mellema wrote:
> Look at it like time is always UT (the current designation for "GMT"),
> local time where you are is 4 hours earlier, hence, the - sign. If you
> were on the other side of the International Date Line you would be
> ahead, hence the + sign.


Thanks for the response!

I know I probably seem wierd, but now I'm going to try to develop a way
to mentally read it based on your suggestion.

Mon, 03 Sep 2001 15:38:00 -0400

Read as:

"local time is 15:38, which is 4 hours before UT"

"local time 15:38, 4 hours before UT"

"local time 15:38, 4 hours 'til UT"

Yeah, that might work.

"local time, change sign" is shorter, not sure which is more useful or
more memorable -- your approach might be more useful, the "local time,
change sign" might be more memorable.  Well, we'll see the next time I
try to see what time an email was sent.

Randy Kramer

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