On Tuesday 04 September 2001 06:44 pm, you wrote:
> Alex, thank you very much for your help.  In fact, I was not sitting in
> the correct directory as you politely pointed out in your note.

Glad to help, after all, that is what this list is here for.

> One point of confusion that I've had is how to reconcile differences
> between distributions with regard to where pieces of the system are
> located.  I've have the O'Reilly Running Linux book which says that the
> subdirectory for 'make' is something different; there are a lot of

I assume that you mean the subdirectory for the linux source. I have the 
second edition of that book and it has the source located in 

> these distribution differences that really get in the way of efficient
> learning.  I've scouted the on-line Mandrake documentation for a
> similar information about 'make', but, if it is there, clearly I missed
> it and I apologize in advance for doing so.

the man page for make is one of the worst that ther is, try the info page
type "info make" at a command line. O'Reilly also publishes a whole book 
on make.

> While I suppose the economics aren't yet with Mandrake, talking one of
> the computer publishing houses into doing a Mandrake-Linux book [having
> an author would be good too :-)] which points to these distribution
> differences would be a really big help.

I have seen one book specifically for Mandrake, IIRC, it was one of those 
"Learn xyzzy in 24 Hours" books (substitute xyzzy for the technology du 
jour), and was aimed at newbies. I believe that it was for an older 
Mandrake distro also, possibly 7.0. As for where things are located, 
Mandrake is pretty close to RedHat, and very different from Suse, so take 
a look at a RedHat book (of which there are plenty), and with Linux 
Standard Base coming along, hopefully all distros will be looking in the 
same places for the same things.


Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft, recently referred to LINUX as a cancer.
Unsurprisingly, that's incorrect; LINUX was released on August 25th,
1991 and is therefore a Virgo.

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