civileme wrote:
> Hmmm, well the 630/730 is supposed to be commonly supported  by SiS GPL
> drivers, but not generally on notebooks where the manufacturer has to do some
> special dodges just to get things to work (then writes special drivers for
> windows).
> I wish I had a place I could direct you for more advanced tweaks.  If someone
> out there is running a wiki, maybe people could begin posting their tricks
> there for others to enjoy.


Wow, thanks, what an opening!  Unfortunately I'm not quite ready to take
advantage of it.  I'm planning to run a TWiki on SourceForge for just
this kind of thing (and other similar things).  I just haven't gotten it
off the ground yet.

Some of it's been inertia (laziness?), but I have a todo list which
includes writing some scripts and cron jobs, investigating ways to
shorten the URL (maybe actually buying a domain name), getting
SourceForge to consider the tweaks that would be needed to shorten the
URL, finishing mods to the templates, writing the home pages for each
web, getting SourceForge support to set the file permissions properly
(after I confirm them one more time), and making a final decision about
how I want to license the thing.  

After it's up and running, I'd probably like to have some help in the
administrative tasks.  Some being pure administrative, like making sure
backups are done and work, fixing problems, considering and then working
towards upgrades (I'm currently planning on basing the system on a
snapshot of the TWiki software taken in about March of this year --
their is a new version due out yesterday or today, but I wouldn't plan
to immediately upgrade -- it's taken me too long to get to this point,
changing horses would just delay things even further.  Some other tasks
are more along the lines of moderation or content management.  I plan to
put notes on a topic as I learn the topic.  In the beginning there is a
good chance they will be wrong.  I will have a mechanism to apply
ratings to the content, and want to maintain information about which
versions of software a statement applies to.  (The ratings currently
include things like "Tidbits", "First Draft", "First Release", etc.  (we
can consider different names).  This is one of the todo tasks that needs
finalizing and clean up.

Maybe some debate on licensing might be among the most useful thing. 
Some points:
   - SourceForge has already approved the project (generally based on my
words which, from memory, were along the lines of "a documentation
project to support free and open source software").
   - Most (many?) wikis state something like "Copyright © 2001 by the
contributing authors. All material on this collaboration tool is the
property of the contributing authors."  This is OK, and probably exactly
what I want to do ...
   - ... except that because of my present postion ("between jobs"), I'd
like some chance of making money from the thing, if it is successful
enough to develop commercial interest.  I may need to consider:
   - Asking that contributors to "signed pages" either donate
contributions (with a "signed" waiver if they are "substantial" (over
ten lines?), or agree that their modifications may be incorporated in a
"package" (a business?) that is sold (or rented) to a commercial
business (on an ongoing basis -- that is the twiki continues to run),
and with the proviso that their content continues to remain freely
accessible (with at most some advertising or a "true" micropayment type
thing (fractions of pennies, not multiples of whole dollars), and theirs
to also use for other purposes, etc.
   - I guess really the same for contributors to unsigned pages.
   - The same for originators of signed pages?
   - The same for originators of unsigned pages  

In the meantime, I've put a few pages on Peter Thoeny's (the creator of
TWiki, which is a variety of wiki) TWiki, specifically the Test web. 

If anyone out there is interested in pushing this effort along (by
helping), let me know -- I can publish my ToDo list, and elaborate a
little on any tasks anyone is interested in.  (Some of them are close
enough to completion that if I just go back and restart them, I can
probably finish them quickly -- if you ask about one, I might describe
it by finishing it. ;-)  I am committed to some other things for the
next week or so.

Randy Kramer

PS: Maybe Mandrake would be interested in hosting and sponsoring this --
I know someone who would be willing to help set it up, get it started,
and run it (with help as needed). ;-)

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