On Saturday 08 September 2001 04:40 am, s escribió:
> On Friday 07 September 2001 05:09 pm,  Tom Brinkman wrote:
> >   I've got one word for nVidia's Linux support, and like most in
> > the wintel-gang, it's   .... DISINGENUOUS. They're just stringin us
> > along, with poor, partially capable, closed source secret drivers.
> > IMO, out'a fear of losing M$ cooperation.   YMMV  I'm sort's pi$$'d
> > at myself for buyin nVidia crap, even tho I knew all the above
> > beforehand. My only excuse is it's gettin harder and harder... not
> > to.  Billy's winning ;(
> That's just it.  What is our alternative? 

   Very little.  Most peripheral hardware is sold to ready made 
manufacturers, and they build Win ready proprietary systems. With 90+% 
of the desktop users using Windoze, and most all of the 90+% buying 
ready made Win-junk like Dell, Gateway, Compaq, the 5% or so that run 
Linux or *BSD have little, almost negligible voice. Add to that M$'s 
continuing campaign to push Win-hardware, and to discourage full 
support for quality hardware on non-Win OS's.

    IMO, this aspect of M$ business practices, not some silly idea of 
integrating IE into the Win OS, is M$'s real crime.  I hope source 
disclosure (API's) is the next focus of DOJ's and EU's remedies for the 
M$ monopoly. Then at least, even if vendors like nVidia still won't 
provide driver specs and source due to pressure from M$, the info could 
be gleaned from M$ source.  I'm not holding my breath tho, it'll never 

> Voodoo support is not what
> it was. I had three machines (just sold one) with the voodoo3 in
> them, and they have not had decent acceleration since 7.2.  I tried
> all the the little tips and tricks other say got theirs to work ok,
> but nope... games suck on those machines.

   Can't comment on problems, other than for years my Voodoo3 was 
automagically setup with Mandrake and ran 3d accel with no problems. 
(don't ya hate when people reply "no problems here" ;) 

    Wish I'd kept my Voodoo3 ;(  AFAIK, until nVidia bought 3DFX, all 
their drivers were open source and they fully cooperated with Linux 
developers. This is sort'a anecdotal, but I can also add that my new 
GeF2mx doubled FPS, with better rendering in Windoze FS2000 (flight 
sim) over the Voodoo3.  But with 'nvidia' Linux drivers, the GeForce 
does no better running tuxracer or FlightGear than my old Voodoo3 did. 
nVidia's Linux drivers suck! Their Windoze drivers are much much better 
and have many more features including easy overclocking.  IMO, that's 
not an accident, it's on purpose to keep M$ and the rest of the Wintel 
gang members appeased (ie, licensing agreements).

> What could we get, even if money was no object (within the home user
> range)? -s

   Buy nVidia, and release the source, or convince Linux friendly IBM 
to get into the high performance desktop video card market. That'd take 
a sh!+load of home users tho ;~>>
        Tom Brinkman                       Galveston Bay

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