Firstly I would just like to say that my prayers go out to all the families 
on this dark day in America.
I don't personally know anyone that was injured today. But to show just how 
much this affects people in many other ways, here is my story.
My brother-in-law was working on a military base in NY today. He was on the 
roof of a building  when it happened. He didn't hear or see it, but was told 
by the military that they had to leave. He couldn't contact us all day today, 
his first message wasn't until 6pm tonight.

My sister was married on Sept. 1st of this year to a Marine. She is 19 and 
they moved to NC. This is her first time away from home. Her husband was 
called to the base tonight and the base was on lockdown, which means he can 
not go home to his wife, my sister. She is sitting at home all alone not 
knowing the future of her husband of 10 days.

Lets not point fingers just yet. Lets first save those who can be saved and 
console those who are scared and have lost loved ones. Lets search and find 
the parties responsable for this terrible days attacks. Then we can punish 
them (the correct people) and anyone who tries to harbor them.


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