Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

> > Either way, I do not dare put the American people on the same level as
> > terrorists.  The Government, possibly, but not the people.
> That's the point I'm trying to make. However, the government is elected by the
> people, for the people. If we can actually get the American populace to actually
> _think_ about what is going on here, they will hopefully realise that _they_ are
> the ones who can stop this. For example, they could vote for somebody more
> globally responsible at the next election.

I think that wall street has more to do with who gets in office, than
those little levers the government lets people pull on election day to
pacify them. The blame for this is not limited to any one country or
ethnic group. It's evil people in high places. Some of them are American
and some are not.  It also didn't just happen out of the blue yesterday.
The process that alloweed this to happen has been brewing for quite some
time. These people weren't always in high places. We allowed them to get
there by accepting moral corruption and sometimes even condoning it. I
am not talking about the illusion that if you vote properly, that
everything will be allright. It goes much deeper than that. If we keep
letting the people who are responsible hide behind ethnicity and
political systems, we have truly allowed them to decieve us. The sad
thing about American politics, is that it is more concerned with what is
politically correct, than what is just. Still, I think that this is the
best country compared to others (not because of the government). Maybe
that's just homegrown predjudice. I think that people need to stop
looking to the corrupt political systems for answers to these problems
and concentrate on promoting social consciousness and morality. That
goes for all countries. If not, the world will continue these
witch-hunts looking for a scapegoat, while the guilty ones laugh at us
from behind the veil.


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