On Thursday 13 September 2001 00:36, you wrote:

> That's the point I'm trying to make. However, the government is elected
> by the people, for the people. If we can actually get the American
> populace to actually _think_ about what is going on here, they will
> hopefully realise that _they_ are the ones who can stop this. For
> example, they could vote for somebody more globally responsible at the
> next election.

Sridhar, I only wish that it _could_ be possible to vote into Parliament 
some decent politicians.  I lilve in New Zealand and I've never voted for 
the Labour Party.  As you are most likely aware, our current Government is 
Labour and they have been in power many times.  I have not seen one 
*decent* candidate for _any_ party (or one that I consider fit to 
represent our people) run for parliament at any election!  It seems to me 
that we have no choice but to pick the best of a bad bunch (maybe *bad* is 
not the correct word here).  

So please be aware that not all Americans voted for President Bush.  Its a 
bit like the Linux vs Windows scenario: _we_ know which OS is superior, 
but what we have no say on what _others_ choose.  Tho we try our best  to 
educate them ;-)

This attack on the US brings to mind our current govt's anti-nuclear 
stand.  I for one, and many others feel the same, would far rather have 
the backup from the likes of Australia and the US in the event of an 
attack against NZ.  However, our Prime Minister sees fit to give up our 
national security regardless of what the "people" have to say.  She also 
drastically reduced funding for our national defense, which by the way, is 
pathetic and almost non-existent.  Perhaps you may see this as being 
"globally responsible" but in my opionion she made the wrong decision and 
would most likely be the first to cry for help should the occasion ever 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not the war-crazed, blood-thirsty type but I sure 
feel vulnerable when I think of the crazy greed in this world.  Although 
it is unlikely (I hope) that NZ would be compromised in the near future, 
we cannot forget that other countries (ie. Japan and Germany) have given 
thought to taking over NZ in the past .

Jeez I'm glad we're well away from other countries (apart from Aussie that 
is)  ;-)


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