
Thank you everybody for the quick response.  The ifconfig eth0 down has 
solved my immediate problem, but it does not address my overall issue.  Which 
is fine, since at the time I just wanted to get back to square one and start 

I have two pc's at home.  Both of them run windoze 98se, and they are both 
configured via a LAN for file and printer sharing.  In one of my two pc's I 
have partitioned my hdd and installed LM8.0.  I have been hearing of Linux 
for at least a couple of years and had wanted to give it a shot.  I am now 
trying to configure the Linux partition to re-establish my LAN.  So 
bascially, I am talking about one Win98se box (Linksys nic), connected, via a 
Linksys switch, to my linux box(Linksys nic).  For the most part I use my 
linux pc as my main interface to the internet (a whopping 28.8 connection 
speed via modem).  Whether each box accesses the internet separately or they 
both use my connection via the unix box iis immaterial to me.  Whichever 
method seems the most practical will be the method I will use.  The other pc 
is used mostly by my wife to check email and for work.  I also use it as a 
place to keep my back up files.  So my main interest would be to have the two 
pc's connected for file and printer sharing (both printers are currently 
attached to the linux box).

I read the documentation and concluded the Samba software was the answer to 
my questions.  Let me digress for a line or two.  While installing LM it 
looked to me like the nic was recognized and it was using the "tulip" driver. 
 I obtained the information from the Mandrake Control Center (MCC).  I 
Assumed (which in retrospect, might have been a mistake), since LM recognized 
my nic that I was set to run in Samba.  Well, I read the instructions for 
Samba.  I installed the proper files from the LM8.0 cd rom, I made the 
recommended changes in the smb.conf file, and then executed the smb command 
(./smb start).  When the command was executed, two lines showed up on my 
terminal each ended with the word "ok".  So I was all excited about it.  "I 
be the big kahuna, I know what I am doing."  Well, the celebration was short 
lived.  I went to the windoze box and network neighborhood would not 
recognize the existence of my linux.  I check the back of my linux box.  The 
nic has 4 led in the back.  When it is working properly (in windows), three 
of the 4 lights will be on at all times, and the fourth one will light up 
when the machine is active in the lan.  When I checked the light status, only 
two of the lights were on.  I have tried several things and none have worked.

I realize I need to set up a p/w for the satellite windows box, but when I 
log into windows, it does not ask for a password.  And is that the password 
the samba is seeking when trying to connect to the windows box?  I also 
realize the need to set up a user in the linux box which matches the name of 
the windows system.  I am just a bit fuzzy as how to go about it.  My windows 
box is named Jean.  So does it mean, I must set up a p/w in the Jean machine 
when it first boots up, set a user in linux by the name of Jean, assign it a 
p/w, and then have both p/w to be the same?  Am I clear on this, or am I off 

I also thought maybe my nic was not configured.  That is when I went into MCC 
and tried to configure it.  As I retraced my steps, I now realize I was 
configuring it to be my internet connection, which was a blatant mistake on 
my part.  To make matters worse, I set it up with a static ip of I suspect threw my internet connection for a loop).  
Fortunately, I was saved from myself by the "ifconfig" command.  But now, 
what do I do to finish setting up my LAN?  Poking around MCC, I noticed there 
is an "expert" way to configure the nic.  There it asks what protocol to use, 
static ip, uchp,  and there was a third choice I can't remember.  Should I go 
ahead and set it up for uchp, or static?  And then what?  Should I give up 
trying to set this up via MCC (Mandrake Control Center) and do it via the 
terminal mode?

I think I have covered most of it.  If you need any further information, I 
will be more than glad to provide it.  Thanks in advance.


AKA coqui- in #shelter on EFnet.

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