Really nice sentiment. Enjoyed the read in prayerful hope that this dream
can come true soon. Man's nature seems to need to experience pain before he
can grow.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of jennifer
Sent: 15 September 2001 02:32
Subject: [newbie] a positive end to <OT>

Someone from Boston sent these sentiments out  that I would like to share. I
know that some don't want OT on this list, but lets end our discussions as

  Subject:     For the book...

  Yesterday's events have had a profound impact on me...especially once I
   got home last night and had no distraction to take my mind off of it. The
  2 main thoughts I've had I thought were worth sharing with "my people".
   One is a somewhat frivolous metaphor, yet it's accurate. The other...a
  more serious consideration.

  The metaphor is this. I was driving to work today and thinking about how
  yesterday Governor Swift said it's important to get back to "business as
  normal." As I looked around at all the people heading into work, I started
thinking that we're like the Whos down in Whoville. The terrorists are the
grinch that tried to steal Christmas yesterday, but today we're holding
and singing because we're not going to let them break our spirit.  > This
me to the second realization...

   Did any of you notice what I noticed this morning? No road rage. None
  within my car and none from without. Today, for the first time in what
  seems like years, I felt something for my fellow man that was actually
  positive. I felt a connection as we all try to come to terms with we all are simultaneously experiencing the exact same emotion.
  Suddenly, letting someone in front of me felt better than speeding up to
  spite them. Suddenly, the cars around me became more than just faceless
  enemies. I began to actually look at the faces attached to the souls
  within each vehicle and I realized they are just like me. Just desperately
trying to make it through another day in an increasingly frightening world
that sometimes makes us feel more vulnerable than we can deal with

  Perhaps if we as a society can hang on to this feeling...perhaps if we can
smile at just one stranger today instead of glaring suspiciously at them.
Perhaps if we can let just one person out in traffic...or back off the
in front of us by just 10 feet causing us to reach our destination a mere
nanosecond later...perhaps then the tens of thousands of people who lost
their lives yesterday will not have died in vain. If we can pull just one
positive thing out of this staggering nightmare...maybe God...who's up there
crying his eyes out right now...can smile again.

   Just a thought.


Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
#include <wisdom.h>
void ignorance (it offers no value)

Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
#include <wisdom.h>
void ignorance (it offers no value)

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