With 4 planes hijacked and crashed... its quiet possible we will find out
who was behind it, or at least what nationality, with stuff like black
boxes, (not that all of them will be recoverable) airport cameras and
security... and the couple of
phone calls passangers on the planes managed to get out,, they should be
able to piece it together....

Some interesting speculation that has come to light, was about the guy they
caught who tried to bomb the WTC last
time in 93, His two plans were to distroy US planes and bomb the WTC, this
is apparently a conglomeration of those plans..

and They have links between him and the Iraqi Government..... If it does
turn out he (Saddam) was behind it, I hope they take him out... I mean
morality is all good and proper, but that particular moral is not worth the
lives it is costing us,, which is apparently well over 10,000 deaths so

There were Palestinians cheering on telly before when they heard what had

how can ANYONE, think that the deaths of 10,000 workers, securaties,
businessmen and others is something to cheer about?

Stuff like that is amost guarenteed to ensure that they will never get any
sympathy from other countries...

and to cheer like that over this is almost proof that they don't deserve it.

Its so ironic, most of this around the world is about religion in some form
or another...

Pretty much all religions preach that "thou shalt not kill" or words to that

What gets lost in the translation that people can take that to mean that
anyone who isn't of your religion doesn't count??

This would makes me so sad sometimes...



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Charles A. Punch
Sent: Tuesday, 11 September 2001 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

Dave Sherman wrote:

>On Tue, 2001-09-11 at 10:56, David E. Fox wrote:
>>US needs to do something about this though - nuke Mecca
>Careful, David. We may have peaceful Muslims on this list, who would
>deplore today's events as much as anyone else.
Not to mention that negativity breeds negativity. We should be careful
when fighting monsters, not to become one in the process, Simply nuking
someone will not solve the entire problem, even if that is a reasonable
part of the solution. Even then, it should not be taken lightly. There
is more than one base of evil in the world and some of them are very
well disquised. I think the people who are offering prayers are in the
proper attitude to receive the wisdom to deal with this situastion.


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