ryan_steffes wrote:

> I can't find documentation on what I
> need to do now so my users can actually use epplets.
> I'm assuming I need to add that to my path.

I've never had a problem running Epplets, whether as root or as a user
(well, other than the Epplets menu having more Epplets listed than what
LM actually installed on my machine).  However, I will guess that you
are correct, you need to add the path (and your users need to add it to
their paths).  Also, if it is not already so, make the Epplets directory,
and the Epplets themselves, group executable.

> The scant documentation
> I've seen though indicates each user should have an epplet_data
> directory.  Where does this come from, or should I just mkdir it?

Again, I don't remember having to do this when I ran Epplets as a user,
but go ahead and mkdir it, what's the harm?  :)

BTW, in case you don't already know, Sourceforge now has an E-Users ML,
so that people like me who don't really understand much of what the
people in the E-Devel ML are talking about have a place for Q&A.  I
think the E web site (www.enlightenment.org) has the link for joining.


   !!   Jesse C. Chang      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   "I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best."  -- Oscar Wilde

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