Sounds like you don't have fetchmail configured correctly to download
mail.  Did you use fetchmailconf or did you create your
/root/.fetchmailrc (or /etc/fetchmailrc) by hand?  Here's the format I
use in my /root/.fetchmailrc.

# Configuration created Sun Apr 29 13:18:35 2001 by T. Holmes
set postmaster "postmaster"
set nobouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
set daemon 10
poll via
 with proto POP3
        user 'userID' there with password 'passwd' is userID here
options fetchall warnings 3600
        antispam 571 550 501 554

That's what I have in my /root/.fetchmailrc.  Make sure the permissions
for the file is 0710, then use a command like fetchmail -d 180.  That
will tell fetchmail to run as a daemon, every 180 seconds, or 3 minutes.

>From there, you should be downloading mail.

As for your pine problem... personally I would suggest to stop using
pine. :0)  It's a resource hog, and I don't like how it handled mail.
But basically it should be getting your email from $MAIL, which in
Mandrake's case, that is /var/spool/mail/$USER  The permissions for that
should be 0600, and should be owned by the $USER and the group should be
mail.  Check those things out.

That should be a start for ya.

T. Holmes
"Real Men Use Vi!"

  1:51am  up  9:30,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Hi!
| Summary
| -Mandrake 8.0
| -Postfix to send
| -Fetch to fetch
| -Pine to do the other stuff
| -Problem: Can send mail, cannot receive
| -BTW: I can receive mail by other means, but I need to set up 
| fetchmail/postfix/pine so I can serve and filter mail in the near future.
| Details of Query:
| I think that my problem boils down to permissions (at least for the 
| moment). In pine I got a mail that I somehow generated directly (since I 
| can't access anything over the Net) and when I try to delete it I get a 
| message saying that the folder is read only.  Not good.
| However, the folder is something called INBOX.  It maps to a folder and 
| file for which I think I have permissions (read and write).  So 
| somewhere is the configuration for INBOX.  So far I have not found it 
| although I will continue to search via the Pine Config option. . .
| In the meantime if anyone has any suggestions I would seriously love to 
| hear them, whatever they might be.  At this point I would willingly try 
| incantations, magic potions, a bit of Nostril-damus, whatever.
| Cheers!
| -w (those little blood vessels in my forehead are distended.)
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