
I quite often work with Photoshop (have been for years), and can tell you
that a LOT of graphics/printing/publishing professionals use Photoshop.
As for Cyan Magenta Yello blacK (CMYK) it is 4 colour seperation process
used for making films that are used when printing (not bubble jet/laser
jet "printing", but printing press printing) high quality images/colour
layouts for magazines, colour papers, lithographic reproductions of art,
etc.  NO professional in ANY publishing/graphics field would EVER use RGB
when making films for pre-press/production.  RGB (Red Green Black) has
major limits pertaining to decent reproduction of the colour

Anyways, this is just to let you know, that CMYK is NOT just something
that never is needed;  like I said before, it is the ONLY way to go when
producing any works (that are to be taken seriously by professionals).

David Charles

On 18 Sep 2001, Paul [ISO-8859-1] Rodríguez wrote:


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