
So that others may not have to go through the same silliness that I brought
upon myself, here is a recap and a solution:

I'm running Mandrake 8.0.  Tried to get fetchmail to fetch pop3.  I have a
mailbox and it appeared to be set up properly (after advice from David Fox).

I've posted before about this problem and then gave up for a day.   Earlier
Mark (Dark Matter) had astutely asked me how I got mail via Mozilla to work.
I recalled
the settings incorrectly (stupid me!).  Tonight I reviewed my situation.  My
pop3 server name is mail and NOT mail.home.com.


My .fetchmailrc file is as follows:

set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
poll mail protocol POP3
       user 'femail.bc.wave.home.com' there with password 'xxxx' is zorba
options fetchall

outcome upon launch:

THE KEY was thinking about what Mark had said.   I put in the "mail"  (which
is the name of my mail server on the @Home system) above.   I got an error
message that included something I'd seen in my e-mail headers before:

authorization failure: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@femail.bc.wave.home.com

So I then realized that the "femail.bc.wave.home.com" is what I've seen in
my own headers, so likely that is what I ought to be using instead of
@home.com.   I made the changes to make the .fecthmailrc as it is above, and
Bob was my cousin, er, uncle.




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