On Sun, 23 Sep 2001 08:22:04 -0400, Michael Scottaline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, 23 Sep 2001 01:13:15 -0300
> "Nicolás Gómez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insightfully noted:
> NG> Hi Folks!.... when is the date that the Kernel 2.5 is expected to be
> NG> released??
> NG> I read that it will has the ALSA drivers on it.... is that true?
> ==================
> If I'm not mistaken, Nicolas, the 2.5.x series will be development
> kernels, not genuine "release" kernels.  IOW, it will be for developers
> and kernel hackers, the way the 2.3 series had been.  Most likely the next
> release kernel will be 2.6.0 and I have no idea when that might happen. 
> Heck, I'm still using 2.2.19 on most of my boxes (I have one old laptop
> still using 2.2.5 ;-) ).
> Mike

That's right. There are three parts to a Linux (i.e. the kernel) version number,
which are separated by dots (the numbers are _not_ decimals!).

Take a look at the latest Linux release, 2.4.9. A chance in the first part
(which is currently 2) signifies a _major_ change. A change in the second part
(currently 4) denotes a large, but not fundamental, change. A change in the
third part (currently 10) shows a relatively minor change.

Now, breaking down the second part even more, odd numbers signify "development"
releases, and even numbers represent a "stable" release. The 2.3 series was
developed to become 2.4. When the 2.5 tree is opened, it shall be developed into
2.6 (or possibly even 3.0).

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
        LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
                -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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