you should forget most of what a localhost scan reveals.

if you have a firewall, get that running, and then from another computer on
the net, scan your computer over the internt.

then if you have ports open that you don't want, configure your firewall to
block them. (and open a console and run ntsysv to see what you have running,
and uncheck anything you don't want running... and if you are not sure what
something does, highlight it in ntsysv and press F1, which will popup an
explanation box for you.

many parts of a linux system communicate via ports... and if you closed them
to localhost, then you would find a good many of them stop working, (like

It doesn't matter if the ports are visable to localhost, the only danger is
if they are visable to the internet (and possibly to your lan if you have
one and don't trust your users.) a well configured firewall would stop both

Also, even if you do close all the stuff you don't use, you should still
have a firewall, as sometimes running mandrake update will update a server
app, and set it to start on boot again,, so you never know when you will
want your firewall...

no computer should be on the net without one. (particularly if the words
Microsoft appear anywhere in the bootup screens.)



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of WCBaker
Sent: Monday, 24 September 2001 12:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] open ports: explanation requested


I have some open ports, as indicated by an nmap localhost scan.

2 main questions:
a) Is there a console or terminal command that lets me shut a port down?
and another command to reinstate the port ?

b) Can anyone take a moment to explain whether these are necessary:
port 111   sunrpc  (what is sunrpc?)
617 & port 631 Unknown    (likely these are eth0 and lo, my ethernet and
cable connections??)
1024 kdm   (is this kde's connection?   can I make this stealth instead of
an open port??)
1026 nterm (can I make this stealth?)
6000 X11   (can I make this stealth?)

Thanks for your time!



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