On Sunday 23 September 2001 03:50 pm,  civileme wrote:
> On Sunday 23 September 2001 18:48, s wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I installed 8.0 freq3 on my husband's amd k6-2 450 machine and it runs
> > fine (if a little sluggish) when being used, but if it sets unattended -
> > kde locks up so hard that I can't even ctrl+alt+backspace or alt+SysRq+b.

> > Let's see, he's got: 192 mb ram & ~200 mb swap
> >             some kind of sis chip on unidentified mobo

> > Anyone have any suggestions?
> >
> > TIA,
> > -s
> SiS5598 on a PC100 Mobo?
> I would guess off-hand that the power supply voltages need to be checked.
> 2.2 is right for K6 speed 450 or higher.  Another gimmick is to
> underclock--set the speed jumpers to 95 on the buss and from 450 to 400 for
> the processor.  That is a weak board with a marginal chipset, the last of
> the really bad ones SiS built.  If it is instead a 530 but still a PCChips
> board, check power supply and check memory--they built a lot with too few
> inductors on board.
> Civileme

Yep I think 5598 it is.  Ummm, if the voltages are off...? 

I will try the gimmick tomorrow (as he's off and glued to it today).  When he 
bought the thing it was over clocked to 500mhz.  It crashed all the time.  We 
reinstalled windows two or three times before I figured this out and set it 
to 450.   It was a little better until the fan started acting up.  But it's 
so slow as it is, I just may have to pay a visit to my favorite on-line shops.

Thanks alot,

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