
I have a related question;  is there no "uninstall" (not talking about
rpms)?  A lot of the apps I have installed (./configure;make;make install)
have a "make uninstall", but that means that you have to untar/gunzip the
package again if/when you want to uninstall it;  Has there ever been any
thoughts on having some kind of flat file/db that stores all of a
program's associated files (and if one/many of those files was shared/dl,
then kept track of how many apps are associated with them), for the
eventuality that someone decides they want to remove the app, and all

If there is, where/what is it? and if there isn't, is this not something
that would be beneficial for system maintenace? i.e. if you end up
removing an app, that when untarred/gunzipped took up 50MB (for example),
but are only able to find (for sure) 35-40MB of that app's associated
files, and you do this several times (which is typical/reasonable IMO),
then you are wasting a LOT of hd space over time, and quite possible
causing future dependency issues/conflicts.

If there is NOT such an utility, and enough of the distros would be
interested or the group that controls the RPM spec, I would be very
willing/happy to start coding such an app in perl (or C, but for this, I
would think perl is more suited);  (n.b. I have NO idea if it would have
to have anything to do with the distros/RPM group, so if anyone knows
what would be the best way of going about it, please let me know).

David Charles

On 18 Sep 2001, Dave Sherman wrote:

> On Tue, 2001-09-18 at 04:16, Franki wrote:
> > I think two other things would help,. a gui and console tool that does smart
> > tarball installs and updates the rpm database for that app, and one that can
> > get dependencies for you,, (goes to a mandrake update site list...etc etc.
> > or asks for the CD, or both) preferably the same app.
> Debian has apt-get, which does exactly this. Rpm still doesn't do it,
> although rpmdrake (front-end to grpmi, which actually does the work)
> does a decent job of it. But for packages which Mandrake does not
> create, rpmdrake will do you no good :-(
> > and a self extracting tarball, (sort of like winzips self extracting file,,
> > a new tarball format that can have a shell or perl script wrapper around the
> > actual tarfile that untars and starts the install for you.. (then updates
> > the RPM databse...downloads dependencies etc etc....) even if it was 10%
> > bigger then a standard tarball, people would go for it because of the ease
> > of install and removal and "smart installing" features, [snip]
> As a matter of fact, I have seen such a beast. Nessus (www.nessus.org)
> comes in a self-installing shell script. Just download and run nessus.sh
> (or whatever it was called), and the script will run, which actually
> unzips and untars the file, then checks dependencies, configures,
> compiles, and installs. At the beginning, it asks for the root password,
> so it can complete the install later on. It is very slick.
> Dave

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