Richie de Almeida wrote:
> Sorry George, I was just contributing to the conversation.
> I kinda wondered if I wasn't making myself clear but you understand
> your position well enuff you didn't take any offence!
> The thread itself was talking about a particular bad response to
> HTML email
> so that was the 'freaking-out' I was referring to.  Most people are
> helpful
> on the list but it's "one bad egg that spoils the bunch", you know?

thank you for your responce.

no problem, apoligizes accepted.

you had me wondering if i was failing in my frugal attempts.

> I beleive that to a real Newbie, the Linux community can seem really
> difficult to get into (open-source, closed-community), sort of clique-ish.

'sort of clique-ish'. now that is being kind. ;)

> It's not as bad as the days of BBSing on my C64 but I still notice the same
> bad behaviour every now-and-then. So when someone comes down hard on a Newbie
> for not sticking to rules they don't understand maybe it's up to the rest of
> us to remind everyone to lighten up a bit... It's not just the code that's
> open source, the P.R. is up to all of us as well!

i sometimes wonder about those who jump hard on newbies. like, maybe
they have some deep supression from early developement. like did
they have trouble with their parents understanding and being able
to explan to them why their panties are wet. ;)

> Take it easy and I'll see you in the Newbie list!

God willing and creaks do not rise.



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