And it should have been obvious to me, lol, but it wasn't.  I kept wondering why I
could download something when I was root, but couldn't as a user.  (I thought the
runlime script would INSTALL it, not just run a JAVA applet.)

After a few tries, it dawned on me, "DOH  You don't have permissions to the
download directory!"

So I thought I'd share that with the list before somebody made the same silly
mistake! :0)

T. Holmes
UIN: 17021091
"Real Men Use Vi!"

 3:32AM  up 5 days, 14:34, 2 users, load averages: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00
| On Saturday 29 September 2001 10:58 pm, you wrote:
| > I finally got it installed and working, but a tip to everybody real quick.
| >
| > Make sure, if you're running the script as a user, that you have the
| > correct permissions on the directory that you chose to house the downloads.
| >
| > Running it as root, I had no problem, I downloaded two songs I was looking
| > for, then I quit out of it.  I then tried to see if I could run it as a
| > user, since it didn't really install the app at all, and it would just say,
| > can't download.  It then hit me, the folder that it was putting the files,
| > was NOT accessable by the user.  So I could run it, but I couldn't actually
| > download anything.
| >
| > So keep that in mind!  Make sure, if you're not running it at as root, and
| > you never should run that as root, that you have the correct permissions on
| > the download folders.
| > tdh
| Good Tip. I just figured that to be obvious. I tend to overlook things like 
| that when explaining.

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