I've seen this a few times, and I can't remember what caused it.  I'll check
through my notes when I get home.

Do you get the same information if you type:

su -

You really should use that instead of just su.  With the "-" in there, it
loads that users environment.  If you just do a su, it still uses your
environment.  (i.e. ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.aliases, etc;)

Try that, and I'll get back with you when I find out what causes it.
T. Holmes
UIN:  17021091
"Real Men Use Vi!"

 3:46PM  up 8 days,  2:48, 4 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
| Hello:
| Yesterday, I installed Bastille and as far as I could tell everything was 
| configured properly.  I installed the program while in a user's directory 
| (not root) but as root in a terminal (hope it makes sense).  Well, in any 
| case, I typed exit at the terminal to get back into user, but when I tried to 
| regain roots I got this error message:  File Size Limit Exceeded.  Any ideas 
| what the problem might be and/or possibly the fix?  I checked the partitions 
| by typing "df" and as far as I can tell, I have plenty of room left (I have 
| pasted a copy of the output below):
| Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
| /dev/hda5             2.3G  1.2G  938M  58% /
| /dev/hda7             1.5G   31M  1.4G   2% /home
| /dev/hda1              33G  3.4G   29G  10% /mnt/windows
| I can still log out and log in as root, but I rather not have to do it.  I 
| normally will type "su" at the terminal when I need to perform root 
| functions.  Thanks....
| Regards,
| Dexter
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